The video reached more than K viewers within 3 weeks of its release. Images, videos and audio are available under their respective licenses. Retrieved from " https: It tells the story of a girl Khalil who adores lying and then falls in love with the famous singer Ramzi Deeb Ziad Bourji. Dalida Antoine Khalil [1] Arabic: ziad borji ft dalida khalil habib mira

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Dalida Khalil - Wikipedia

Her acting career started in when she participated in a Lebanese series called Fifty-Fifty. Dalida Khalil [5] also participated and was first runner up in the show Dancing With The Stars [6] in its 3rd season with the Syrian dancer Abdo Dalloul and was able to reach the finals where she competed with her singer colleague Anthony Touma who ended up winning the trophy. The video reached more than K viewers within 3 weeks of its release. Khalil won the Arabic version of Celebrity Duets in after ziiad with 12 other celebrities.

Views Read Edit View history. Dalida Khalil Wikipedia open wikipedia design. Images, videos and audio are available under their respective licenses.

WikiZero - Dalida Khalil

Dalida Khalil [5] also participated and was first runner up in the show Dancing With The Stars [6] in its 3rd season with the Syrian dancer Abdo Dalloul and was able to reach the finals where she competed with her singer colleague Anthony Touma who hbib up winning the trophy. Her acting career started in when she participated in a Lebanese series called Fifty-Fifty. Retrieved 29 September Retrieved 10 March From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

ziad borji ft dalida khalil habib mira

It tells the story of a girl Khalil who adores lying and then falls in love with the famous singer Ramzi Deeb Ziad Bourji. Since then, she has performed in more than twenty series.

ziad borji ft dalida khalil habib mira

The video reached more than K viewers within 3 weeks of its release. It was written by Marwan Najjar and directed by Nadim Mhanna. It was written by Marwan Najjar and directed by Nadim Mhanna.

Retrieved 29 September Lebanese television actresses Lebanese female singers births Living people People from Zgharta 21st-century women singers. Since then, she has performed in more than twenty series. Khalil won the Arabic version of Celebrity Duets in after competing with 12 other celebrities. Valida Antoine Khalil [1] Arabic: Retrieved from " https: Retrieved 29 September — via YouTube. Dalida Antoine Khalil [1] Arabic: By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.

The series was written by Hazem Sleiman and directed by Muthna Sobh and was showing during Ramadan This page was last edited on 16 Septemberat Retrieved 29 September — via YouTube.

Retrieved 10 March The series was written by Hazem Sleiman and directed by Muthna Sobh and was showing during Ramadan Daldia tells the story of a girl Khalil who adores lying and then falls in love with the famous singer Ramzi Deeb Ziad Bourji.


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