Corey S Official Rep August 07, You'll need to enable Javascript and cookies to participate. Hypercontrol however is a discontinued format that I don't believe was included for later software like Logic X, and was never included with Studio one. Corey S Official Rep. Whatever that installed, I can't find any trace of anything relating to HyperControl on this system. I can assume that the CD contained hypercontrol and drivers for the Axiom Pro and any other software that may have been included when it was initially sold under Avid, but it's been discontinued for some time now so I'm not sure what it would have come with. What exactly was on the Axiom Pro installation CD in the first place? axiom hypercontrol

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Are the contents of the included installation CD for the Axiom Pro 49 available for download anywhere on the entire internet? Overview Topics Products People Change log.

axiom hypercontrol

Corey S Official Rep August 07, You'll need to enable Javascript and cookies to participate. Help get this topic noticed by sharing it hypercontro, Twitter, Facebook, or email.

HyperControl not detected for Axiom Pro 49 in any DAW (read carefully)

I have seen some users have success with moving that. The Hyprcontrol Pro is a legacy product. Create a new topic About this Question 1.

All this being said, Logic, Studio One and Ableton all allow you to manually map the controls, and often times it's a lot easier to customize this with your workflow than it is to work around hypercontrol. Community-powered support for M-Audio.

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Corey S Official Rep. Get Satisfaction uses Javascript and cookies. Here's some more info axipm may find helpful: Tagged control hyper hypercontrol. Describe how this topic makes you feel. I will try to word this hypercotrol so there isn't any more confusion than necessary as long as its READ carefully.

Acknowledged In progress Doesn't need answer Answered. Matt McWhirter August 06, Whatever that installed, I can't find any trace of anything relating to HyperControl on this system.

Hypercontrol however is a discontinued format that I don't believe was included for later software like Logic X, and was never included with Studio one.

Axiom Pro 61(HyperControl) not working in Cubase 10

I hypsrcontrol assume that the CD contained hypercontrol and drivers for the Axiom Pro and any other software that may have been included when it was initially sold under Avid, but it's been discontinued for some time now so I'm not sure what it would have come with.

The satisfaction of our customers is our highest priority and our mission at M-Audio is for the costumer to have the greatest experience ever. This issue is very important for us and we are very committed to resolving it.

axiom hypercontrol

How does this make you feel? Log in or Sign up. I turn 35 in a xaiom months, I'd prefer if this was solved before I'm Hi, Thanks for posting.

axiom hypercontrol

Some manuals say that "HyperControl hy;ercontrol built into certain DAWs and don't require anything to be installed. Here are my questions: The mood in here. Have you seen this page for the Axiom Pro hypercontrol?

What exactly was on the Axiom Pro installation CD in the first place?


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